Monthly Archives: July 2012

Khantoke Cultural Show

Tonight we did something mega-touristy and had dinner at a Khantoke, where they served us northern Thai food while we were seated on the floor, resting on cushions. After dinner, there was a show with traditional Thai music and dancing. … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Culture, Food | Leave a comment

Thai Cooking School

I’m prone to disaster when it comes to trying my hand at any kind of Asian cooking.  All of my attempts at home have fallen flat, in some cases being completely inedible.  Here’s a lovely picture of my December 2009 … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Food | 8 Comments

Doing a Good Deed…Through Self-Indulgence!

I’ve always assumed that getting a massage is an inherently self-indulgent act. I suppose that in the process I’m helping someone to make a living. But not until we got to Chiang Mai did I learn that I could be charitably minded while … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Awareness, Culture | 1 Comment


Thailand is a land of contradiction when it comes to the Asian elephant. On the one hand, elephants are revered, sometimes religiously, for how they have helped shape and develop Thailand into what it is today.  On the other hand, … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Awareness, Recreation | 2 Comments

Video Shenanigans & White Knuckle Driving

After some shenanigans, I’ve discovered several rules of the road related to iPhone videos.  They all pretty much boil down to one rule: Never ever, ever, EVER take an iPhone video while holding the iPhone upright. In other words, don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Places | 1 Comment

Citizenship Rights for Thai Hill Tribes

Today we had the chance to meet with a human rights organization that is based in the United States but has offices around the world working on various initiatives, from fighting sex trafficking in India to ensuring land rights for … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Awareness | Leave a comment

Island Highlights

Here are some photo highlights of our time at the beach… Bangrak Beach at sunset Nothing like a refreshing mojito on a hot Koh Samui night! Lunchtime on Koh Samui: Pad Kra Pao Gai (chicken with chiles and Thai basil … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Food, Places | Leave a comment

White Knuckle Drive to Paradise

  After a lazy Saturday, we were ready for an adventure on Sunday, so, thanks to our accommodating hotel manager, who rented us his friend’s red Toyota Yaris, we set off to explore the island of Koh Samui.  As usual, … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Food, Places | 1 Comment

Blue Ocean Garden, Koh Phangan

Here’s a shot of John working on his latest blog post.  Nice view!

Posted in Adventure 2012, Places | 3 Comments

Bangkok Food Highlights

I love Thai food and have been looking forward to eating the real deal in Thailand for a long, long time now. John, on the other hand, at least as long as I’ve known him, has believed himself not to … Continue reading

Posted in Adventure 2012, Food | 3 Comments